Book: Plastic Viking Helmets
Coming back soon: |
This site makes other sites look useful
I live in England. My site is a mix of all sorts of stuff. Have a good look round. You should be able to get around to the main sections using the links on the left. There are more navigation aids within some sections. You'll see. Full contents would be a good next page from here. It's a moderately kind site if you have a slow connection, or get bored easily. There are some useless and trivial pictures, a little monotonous java, but no frames to mess things up and slow things down. There's a reasonable amount of interactive CGI / PERL stuff which is fun (and to show you I can do fancy programming if I want). The pages look awful with a display set to 256 or fewer colours, or if you wear a blindfold. Use whatever browser you think is best for the salvation of the world because it really does matter that much. For optimum viewing settings use my PC in my house. If you would like to contact me please use the FaceBook link on the left and message me there.